Dr Bach developed the 38 remedies which make up the Bach Flower Remedies. His dream was that every household should have a box of the Bach Flower remedies so that when a family member felt an emotional imbalance, it could be treated before it became more serious. The Bach Flower Remedies are all extracted from flowers apart from one, Rock Water, which comes from a stream. The Bach Flower Remedies balance out 38 different negative emotions and once developed, Dr Bach felt there were no more emotions that needed a remedy. As they are extracted mainly from plants they are safe to use on not only adults, but children, babies, animals and even plants. I have had a variety of success with the remedies from a teething baby frustrated and angry to a grieving adult to a distressed animal on bonfire night. The most commonly known remedy is the Rescue Remedy which is a combination of 5 individual remedies and specifically helps with situations of trauma and anxiety.
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